Cover Image for Runes Asia 2024
Cover Image for Runes Asia 2024
1,267 Going
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Hong Kong Cruise Terminal Banquet Centre: B zone, Second floor


Runes Asia 2024, the Runes Asia Summit is coming with a bang!

Join us at Runes Asia – this year’s premier event for the Runes ecosystem.

RunesAsia2024 is hosted by Bitcoin Settlement Lab and co-hosted by Omnity, RunesFactory, Waterdrip CapitalXverse and RunesCC.

Featured Speakers: We’re bringing together pioneering builders from the #Runes ecosystem, top Runes projects, communities, investors, OG and influencers. Stay tuned as we continue to update our guest list.

Engaging Topics: Dive into the full breadth of the Runes ecosystem—from the latest trends to breakthroughs in the Runes protocol technology. The discussions will cover asset issuance, trading, cross-chain, stablecoin, DeFi, tools, and BTC Layer2 solutions, aiming to spark innovation in Web3 applications and accelerate the adoption of the Runes protocol.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators.

We look forward to discussing the development trends and technological innovations of the Runes ecosystem in 2024. Everyone is welcome!

Runes Asia 2024 符文亚洲峰会重磅来袭!

全球首个聚焦 Runes 协议技术与生态发展的主题峰会「Runes Asia 2024」,将于 5月9日在香港启德码头盛大启幕。

Runes Asia 2024 由 Bitcoin Settlement Lab 携手 OmnityRunesFactory水滴资本Xverse Runes 中文社区 联合主办,话题涵盖了 Runes 生态发展的全链路,缘起 BTC 生态趋势、聚焦 Runes 协议技术、围绕 Runes 资产发行、交易、跨链、稳定币、BTC Layer2 以及 DeFi 类的基础设施,共同碰撞 Web3 应用、Runes 协议大规模采用之道。

Runes Asia 2024 不仅成为 Bitcoin Asia 2024 期间的重磅板块,更将成为今年规模最大、最具多样性的 Runes 符文领域盛会。

Runes 是最有希望凝聚东西方共识,成为比特币可互换通证的大一统标准,这使得钱包、交易所、协议之间无缝互操作,让比特币真正成为一个生机勃勃的创新生态。

Louis,Founder of Omnity, Runes Asia 2024 联合主办方

Runes Asia 2024 将会是创意火花的迸发之处,我们组织了投资人、基础设施、BTC Layer2、BTC DeFi、Runes DAPP 以及 社区 KOL/OG 多个 Panel 小组,在交流中捕捉大咖的真知灼见。

Runes 无疑是这一轮 BTC 引领的牛市中最具有想象空间的协议,集各家之所长,提供了更为丰富的资产发行方案。Runes Factory 很高兴能与各位建设者一同探索 Runes 协议,让 Bitcoin 这条 OG 链再次迸发新生。

DengDeng,Co-Founder of Runes Factory, Runes Asia 2024 联合主办方

Cruise Banquet Centre
Zone B, Floor 2, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, 33 Shing Fung Rd, Kai Tak, Hong Kong
1,267 Going